Thursday, 6 December 2012

You Scumbag, You Maggot...

YES, it's nearing Christmas. This must be the strangest Christmas season I have experienced so far in my 22 years. Not for any one reason in particular, just mainly because I'm in Japan.

Recently I've been getting in the mood. Even more than normal it seems.. Maybe that's because I'm in a country that doesn't reeeeaaally do Christmas, and for the first time, I won't be spending it at home with my family.

So please enjoy the best Christmas song ever, Fairytale of New York.

If that doesn't put you in the mood for Christmas then nothing will! Unless you're American. Then apparently you might not even know this song. Which is just A CRIME TO CHRISTMAS. You big anti-santa.
Tomorrow is the day I put up my Christmas tree and decorations. So, I'm quite excited about this. YES. I have downloaded my Christmas music, all the good ones of course. And I have my litres of mulled wine that I made, and spent a lot of last night sampling. AND I got all my presents and Christmas cards sent off this week. So I am sorted.
PLUS (more yes) It's only 2 weeks on Sunday til I set off for my Christmas holidays to Korea. I am extremely excited. Even got Hogmany all planned oot, with tickets for the countdown party at Universal Studios Japan. 
But there are things I'll miss about Christmas at home, obviously my family and Bruno. But like, Christmas pudding.... And Christmas TV.... I'm even missing seeing the flood of Christmas adverts we get on TV back home at his time of year. And CRACKERS. Only just came to me yesterday when I was walking along the corridor at school.... "Japan... Doesn't have crackers."
Still, I'll distract myself by going on holiday over Christmas. Even if at the moment, every Christmas song I hear on Radio 1 gets me strangely emotional O.o This must be a sure sign of mental issues.
Let's end here for now, on another favourite of mine. Stop the Cavalry. And... it seems that I have many favourite Christmas songs.... and films. Gotta get some Muppets Christmas Carol and Bad Santa into my free time sometime soon!

Tuesday, 4 December 2012


The Snowman?!

No. Not quite.

BUT, it is the first day I left for work to find the ground somewhat frosty like. Not by Dundee standards. I'm not talking put-your-foot-on the-ground-and-fall-on-your-arse type frost, just a sprinkling here and there. But that was enough for my throat to think "Hey, let's step this here cold you've got up a notch!". Thanks.

So I made it to work, and realised soon enough, today would be that day where I lose my voice. Sure I have one severe voiceless day a year. And today was it. And what day was today? Only the day I had to do listening tests for 6 CLASSES!

So yeah, I dreaded the afternoon coming all day, but thankfully after lunch I managed to get that voice back to work. With a combination of strange Japanese painkillers and sore throat things. Though at the moment it seems everyone in the office has a similar disease... a fun winter ahead I'm thinking.

But it is difficult to make banana paper.

Yes. Apparently so. Came into a class this afternoon to find this random sentence written on the board... I have no idea why the kids were learning about banana paper (?) in english class..