The Snowman?!
No. Not quite.
BUT, it is the first day I left for work to find the ground somewhat frosty like. Not by Dundee standards. I'm not talking put-your-foot-on the-ground-and-fall-on-your-arse type frost, just a sprinkling here and there. But that was enough for my throat to think "Hey, let's step this here cold you've got up a notch!". Thanks.
So I made it to work, and realised soon enough, today would be that day where I lose my voice. Sure I have one severe voiceless day a year. And today was it. And what day was today? Only the day I had to do listening tests for 6 CLASSES!
So yeah, I dreaded the afternoon coming all day, but thankfully after lunch I managed to get that voice back to work. With a combination of strange Japanese painkillers and sore throat things. Though at the moment it seems everyone in the office has a similar disease... a fun winter ahead I'm thinking.
But it is difficult to make banana paper.
Yes. Apparently so. Came into a class this afternoon to find this random sentence written on the board... I have no idea why the kids were learning about banana paper (?) in english class..
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