So a few weeks ago, maybe a month who knows, me, Alistair and Adam went to Kochi castle for some festival type thing they were having. We had no idea what they were doing, but when we got there we were given these big lanterns to carry. Then there was candles lit ALL the way up the many levels of steps to the castle. It was pretty smart. We were pretty happy with the lanterns, spent quite a bit of time taking photos of ourselves with them, but it was hard with the darkness.
Then inside the entrance bit to go up to the castle, they had loads of these amazing wee lights! It looked really smart. After this we realised not much was actually going on at the castle, but the lantern holding and light stuff was worth the journey up the hill again anyways.
At my schools English camp, a couple of my students taught us how to make these amazing ORIGAMI SPINNING THINGS =D
And yeah, my no dinosaurs sign was put on Facebook. But still. How much do I love this sign?!
Then there's these weird fruit things we have here. The first one I had wasn't great. I was very confused as it tasted of nothing, so I chucked it. My supervisor gave me one later and it was brilliant.
In the supermarket across the road from my place, there was these Pumpkin Pans. So like, pumpkin bread bun/cake thingys. Thought it looked pretty interesting. And YES it was AMAZING =D Now it makes me sad Halloween's over and they don't have the same ones in anymore...
One day leaving school there was a really nice sunset over the baseball field. In fact, most days theres a really nice sunset. This one was just particularly nice.
At my schools festival, this was the aftermath of a day of my students wanting me to buy everything. I think I did a reasonable job trying to please everybody. I will have some of this food for a while... MAYBE.
And then, after my friends at my local bar taking me for spicy Ramen, I discovered a whole new liking for the food! After a while of saying "I don't like Ramen" I suddenly did. And even made it at home, with loads of Kimchi thrown in. SO GOOD.
And there you have it. My random photos wit some random explanations. Ah Japan. Random is a suitable word for you.
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