AYE maties. Been a bit lazy on the old blog front recently. Time just seems to be going ridiculously quickly, I mean it's like only a month and a bit til Christmas. MADNESS.
Been quite busy recently, well weekends are always mental, but during the weeks have been pretty busy too. Had my schools festival last weekend, so I had to work the weekend and missed the "all you can eat beef and all you can drink sake" festival up in the mountains. One of my students got 1st place in a speech contest, which was great. We practised A LOT.
Christmas holidays are all booked up, so well looking forward to that. Listening to Radio 1 at the moment. I do this a lot now, just keeping up-to-date with music and the world back home. I wouldn't want to come back all lost and confused.
So there's a few things I miss from back home of course. I mean of course my family and friends. But otherwise.... (in no particular order)
1. Wetherspoons. My dear lovely cheap Counting House. I miss you. I miss the cheap drinks, the beer & burger deal and the banter with the local drunk old men. And generally just being able to sit for hours chatting, with no hassle.
2. Walking Bruno. I miss going round the block on our well trodden route, going down to the green, walking along by the grafitti wall and the vision building, chatting with all our dog walker friends and getting some fresh air. I miss taking massive de-tours to avoid the cannibal and his man-eating dog and the wonderful chatter with Denzel.
3. Normal shops. As much as I like some... SOME Japanese shops, I do miss the joys of H&M, Primark and all the rest.
4. The insane Dundee/Scottish/British pub and club thing. No-one does it quite like us in the old UK, I'm seeing that now. Clubs here are not so fun. As dancing just doesn't seem to exist...
5. And lastly.. just general food. Baked beans on toast. Chips (NOT FRIES). Stews. Haggis. Dominos. My folks cooking. As much as I love Japanese food, sometimes you just want something normal.
SO that's my list for now. I mean of course there's wee things here and there. And I miss my Bruno. BRRRUUUUUNNNOOOOOO. Yes.
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