That title there pretty much sums it up. But none the less I'll go on to explain further.
Today is a pretty good day. It's like January, and the sun's a blazing. I like that. It may be chilly here in winter, but there's only like a couple of cloudy days each month. Which is nice. Especially when you're used to Scotland and it's cloud obsession..
Also, I have no classes today. And neither do any of the other teachers because the kids are all off doing stuff. So everyone is pretty relaxed, and the office is nice and calm.
I've also started drawing more, and writing pointless stuff for things I probably won't get around to doing. But still, it's fun.
I just came back from lunch too. Lunch is of course a wonderful time of day. Went to my local, got fed A LOT. It was good. Came back, and spoke to the two Golden Retrievers that live near the school. Since you probably know me, you'll know that I love dogs. And petting some insanely cute retrievers on a sunny day after an amazing lunch, makes this a good day.
It's Thursday too, so I have an Enkai (drinking party) with my teachers tomorrow night WOOOO! Should be a laugh. No, it WILL be a laugh as always.
I am due to clean the teachers toilets this week... but think I might leave that until tomorrow. Wouldn't want to ruin the atmosphere of the good day now would I?
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