Thursday, 22 August 2013


Hello everyone. I have returned to good old Kochi at last. Today is my second day back at work, and I'm glad to be back in my city. The heat however is another thing entirely... I AM NOT glad to be melting 24/7 all over again. Hey, who am I kidding? I LOVE sweat. It's great... hrmm.

So besides sweating my arse off all day long, and taking refuge in any air conditioned areas, I'm happy to be back where I now call home. I have been away from the area for 4 weeks, on my epic summer holidays! I flew back to Scotland for 16 days of cooling down and catching up with everyone back home. I had a great time, although the time flew by and 16 days felt more like 8 in the end.

I saw my family, friends and my lovely doggie Bruno. I was happy to spend my time lounging around and going on peaceful dog walks. The weather was strangely good for Scotland but fortunately enough I just missed the bizarre heatwave that had hit the U.K a couple weeks before I arrived there. After all, I have enough heat in Japan and I did not need it at home too.

I was happy to see Dundee again and catch up on all the food I had been missing for a while (fish and chips, steak pie, my parents cooking, haggis, black pudding, dominos pizza, apple crumble, sausages and mash etc. etc.). A considerable amount of buildings had transformed into piles of rubble in the time I'd been away as Dundee is undergoing it's "renovation" or whatever's happening there..

It was weird being back in a place with people that aren't crazily well mannered. I forgot to ways of back home, and was sometimes surprised by the service I received (HEY WHAT'S THIS FANCINESS?) nahhhhhh I didn't care that much, but hey, compare it to Japan and there aint NO comparison. Japan is a extremely well mannered country in general, and even though it was odd to experience when I first arrived it's amazing how quickly you get used to folk smiling and being pleasant.

So yeah onto 2nd year now! That's it, I guess I aint a rookie anymore... I am second year.. One of wisdom? Perhaps not. But when it comes to Kochi, and perhaps especially Kochi nightlife, I think me and some of my lot have got that area well covered. We all need our areas of knowledge right?

But yeah. Time to get on with things. Eventually I may put photos here.. But let's face it, I'm lazy. So I can't promise anything ;) Laters amigos.

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