Thursday 28 February 2013

It's March FINALLY.

March is a great month. Well, great in the way that January and February are finally behind us. Normally I'd be looking forward to warm weather and the likes... But In Kochi I don't want to think about the unbearable nasty summer weather ahead.

STILL, I look forward to it getting a wee bit wamer anyway. It's no too bad at the moment anyways. I never posted in February.. the month went kinda quick I guess. Here's a quick update then.

So today is graduation day for the 3rd years at my school. This is the big one. We dress up all fancy and the likes. I'm wearing a kimono.. which is kinda exciting and I've not worn one before. But at the same time not sure if I want to hear all the reactions of everybody in school =|

Tomorrow is a friends wedding, so that should also be interesting. Lot of formal dressing going on this weekend.. And the toast reception thingy after is in the Irish Pub. YES THE IRISH PUB. So I have 2 hours to eat as much fish & chips and Irish stew etc. as I can. I also have set myself a target of about 5 pints of beer, lets say 2 Guinness and 3 Kilkenny, and a couple of Magners Pear cider. When you live in Japan, especially in Kochi, this sort of opportunity to drown yourself on drinks from back home doesn't come up very often. Plus, I've not had cider in over 7 months now which is just plain madness I tell ye.

AND it's 3 months until my amazing wee sister comes to Japanland to visit with her amigos. I'm super excited for this. It's going to be great. And just over 4 months until I go home for my summer holidays, good times indeed. But before then I have a whole bundle of stuff going on, Kyoto at the end of this month and a visit to the tropical islands of Okinawa in May to visit my friend from back home. It's like the Hawaii of Japan they say.

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