Friday, 4 May 2012

So, I made it!

Aye aye! It was Friday the 13th of April when I found out I was accepted onto the JET Programme. Seems that it's not an unlucky day for everyone! Found out the good news whilst in my favourite city, Palma de Mallorca and gave me a great excuse to celebrate a lot out in Spain.

Since then, the time seems to have gone REALLY fast. That's probably because of University mainly... What with the Degree Show creeping up, it's been a busy few weeks. It always seems like it's almost over, then a bunch of other stuff you forgot turns up. I am sitting here just now waiting for yet another render to finish. Never... ending...

But but but, today I got the last of my forms sent off for JET. That was my Police Check form and the medical. All done and dusted. Now it's just yet another spell of waiting until I'll find out what area of Japan I'll be going to. Yep, it's pretty exciting times at the moment for Pam =)

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