Friday, 1 June 2012

Kōchi HERE I COME!!!

Yep, finally after 6 or so weeks since finding out I was accepted onto the JET Programme, we in the UK got our placements emailed to us. We'd been waiting, and waiting and waiting some more... But finally, on the 30th of May 2012 we got a text saying our placements had been sent by email! Rushing from my xbox to grab my laptop, waiting (some more) for it to turn it's lazy arse on, I got to my email ANNNDDD....

Nothing. This moment was followed by practically all of us UK JETs on Facebook getting stressed out and moaning. Then someone phoned JET and I decided I wasn't going to wait ANY longer, so I phoned too =D The manny at the JET Desk is brilliant, he's always so calm even though I'm sure he must harassed non-stop by us lot. They resent my email, and I rushed to check it....

You have been placed in Kōchi Prefecture.

My first reaction:


Where the hell is that?!?!


At the same time as frantically typing KOCHI into my friend Google, I was busy getting excited because I also found out my departure date in the same email! I was in Group A and hence leaving from Edinburgo on the 28th of July. The UK JETs unlike everyone else had to wait ages to find out what departure group they were leaving in, this is because of those darling Olympics messing everything up in our country.

So this was the first picture I saw come up on Google whilst I was typing Kochi Prefecture.... 

First thoughts: WHERE HAVE THEY PUT ME?

Second thought: I knew I'd end up on the smallest island... Isolated from the world....

Third thoughts: Shut yer face Pam and look it up!!

The Wikipedia page for the Kochi Prefecture is sparse to say the least. With very little information on anything much. But I continued my research for a good wee while before announcing to my family the location where I'll be spending at least the next year of my life...

Now my thoughts are all positive =D Well mostly. I know I'll be out of the way of touristy places, but it's only a 4-5 hours coach journey to Osaka. So that is pretty smart indeed, with Kobe practically the same distance away and Kyoto maybe a 6-7 hour coach journey away, it's no bad.

Also, Kochi itself and the island of Shikoku looks like it will be an amazing experience. Being the island with the least tourists, it's said to be a true Japanese experience. I'm excited. OF COURSE. And as I've only been told my Prefecture, apparently that means I'm working with High Schools. Which is good because High Schools should mean I'm in a city or large town of sorts... THANK GOD. What with my lack of driving ability and all.... 


  1. Kochi's a wonderful place. I've never been there myself, but my friend's hometown is there. Absolutely gorgeous - I requested it, but got Hokkaido. lol

    Hope to see you at Group A Orientation.

  2. Yeah I'll be at Group A Orientation! At first I was a bit freaked out by the random place that is Kochi... but after reading about it it does sound brilliant! Can't wait!! =D
