Friday, 1 June 2012

Where I Shall be Living Soon

Thought I'd post up a few photos of Kochi that I've found online. Looks like a lovely place so far, with 84% of the region covered in forest, mountains, some of the best beaches in Japan and the best surfing spots outside of Okinawa think it's going to be a blast!

Shimanto River, apparently the only river in Japan to not have a Dam

Katsurahama Beach just outside of Kochi City, I shall make sure to make use of
these great looking beaches!

I also watched a whole bunch of videos on youtube about Kochi, this series was pretty decent. Even though part 2 was all about bamboo in Kochi... 

I can't wait to find out where exactly I'll be living and what my new flat/house will be like!! Exciting stuff all this. The JET Programme loves to keep you waiting, and I'm actually getting used to that now.

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