Tuesday, 16 April 2013

I like the smell of the rain.

I'm not sure why, but for some reason I'm really loving the rain.

Not going to get all poetic about it or anything, but looking out onto the forested hills from the office window is oddly relaxing today. I'm liking it.

On Sunday, walking back from the tram, a thunderstorm started. It started pouring of rain and there was not one person walking apart from me. It was dark, and the thunder and lightning kicked off. I had an umbrella, but due to some weird belief that I could be hit by lightning I chose not to use it. So I walked back and got absoloutely soaked. With roaring thunder and smashing lightning. It was a great walk home. Don't think I let myself walk in the rain for fun often enough really.

There's my story of rain.

Damn I haven't been on here in a while.... I wil update soon. Yes.

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