It's been... what, 2 months since my last post on here? Think so. That's a long time, and probably just shows I'm becoming more lazy if anything.
Still, here I am. Summer's crashed into our lives, even though it's technically rainy season and yet it hasn't been very rainy at all. The humidity is a pain in the arse as usual though... The sweat towels are out and I even put my air conditioning on last Sunday for the first time.
My sister has been in Japan for almost 2 weeks now. The past 9 or so days they spent with me in Kochi and now they're off travelling for a bit. It's been busy. For someone who usually just walks home after work and sits peacefully watching tv, my recent after work times have been quite hectic.
My sister has already told me she misses Kochi and she's only been away a couple of days! Though I feel quite the same when I travel to other areas of Japan too. It's weird, Kochi may be smallish but it's a friendly homely place.
In practically 4 and a bit weeks I go back to Scotland for my summer holidays. It's crazy. It also feels crazy having my wee sister kicking about my house and showing her all the joys of Kochi/Shikoku life. This Friday I head to Tokyo for a bit which should be great, well looking forward to it. Even though I'm sure I'll blow a whole load of money hah.
It's hard to believe it's already getting into late June.. Folk who aren't staying another year are figuring out their after JET plans and preparing themselves for the big move again. Whereas for me, I just need to prepare for my long summer holidays. Although I do need to prepare myself mentally for change I guess. I tend to get well settled into situations, and don't like change all that much. To be fair there's plenty of folk leaving whose departures will mean very little to me. But I will also be saying goodbye to some friends who I will miss and some who I will miss very much. Keeping in touch will be more difficult with time differences, but definitely possible. I just hope the replacements for my friends are sound nice people too. < Not used the term sound in a long time.
So things are a changing it seems. Not sure if I could stay for 3 years and see more of my friends come and go. I really do love my life here, but I shall just have to wait and see how things pan out. I'm not entirely ruling out a third year, but being someone who becomes easily bored and frustrated, I'm not sure if I could continue with the same job for 3 years running. The other main deciding factor is a certain hairy black beast back in Dundee, that goes by the name of Bruno. That boy's been like a brother to me, and it seems so wrong in many ways to abandon the lad now that he's getting older. After all the times we've gone through together, all the times he's put up with my moaning and comforted me when I've been ill or sad, how could I leave him for that long? I just don't know if I could. Not without hating myself for it.
So that's all for now. I think just witnessing the leaving JETs thinking through their plans and some perhaps regretting their decisions to leave, makes you think a bit. Makes me wonder how I'll feel next year at this time. I hope I make the right choice, but either way there will always be days when I will regret whichever decision that will be. That's just the way of it I guess. Just have to see how things are going next February I guess.
I will try and post again sometime, with less deep thoughtful moments ok?
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