Sunday, 12 August 2012


Pam is here, yep. BUT don't expect any photos yet.. I still don't have my internet set up in my apartment, but fingers crossed for this week!!

SO I arrived in Japan in one piece, and I have been at work for... 8 days so far. So I'm settling in, getting used to the heat a bit (my hair might state otherwise) and eating a hell of a lot of rice and noodles.

I shall leave my wonderful glorious tales of Tokyo and my first week in Kochi until I manage to get photos up too =D Or it's just not the same.

STORY FOR TODAY. I was taking a wee trot around the 100 yen shop, and I casually turned the corner and there was a wee boy walking towards me. Said wee boy looks up SCREAMS and RUNS AWAY (still screaming) O.O Yes. I am the terrifying local foreign girl. You may never see hair like this again. I felt slightly disturbed for the rest of my trip in the shop and made sure to keep an eye out for that boy...

But yeah, once I get photos up I can update a'body with my joyful tales. Fortunately that's the worst reaction I've had to myself so far. Now I must get back to pretending to work...

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