Monday, 27 August 2012

Arriving in the Land of Exiles (aka KOCHI)

Ha yeah, we arrived at Kochi Airport at... some point on Wednesday 1st August. We saw we all had people waiting for us with signs, ready to take us away... that was slightly worrying as it started to sink in.

The Principal, my supervisor and one of the other English teachers were waiting for me with an impressively large framed sign, awww. Then the Principal took us for lunch to get Tataki, a special Kochi Tuna dish. Its like raw, just seared on the outside and with a special sauce. It was great. The chopstick pressure was high though... My sudden realisation that I hadn't used any in quite some time.

After this everything was a little bit of a blur... It was hot. Humid. I was tired. My head kept going over WHY I was in a car with these two random Japanese people... Yes. They took me to my new apartment and then the supermarket and then other things happened, gas man, electricity man.... Too much. I FELT DEAD. Eventually I got some time to myself, and I made my first meal (sort of) in my new home.

I decided to unpack AS QUICK AS POSSIBLE. Or I never would. As that happens any time I go anywhere, and I was not living out of a suitcase forever.

Love the Tatami rooms, very Japanese. And me spreading my junk across the walls =D

The view from my balcony. Nice wee rivery thing there, lots of mountains and trees around.

The supermarket. Could it be ANY nearer to my flat? Not really. It's perfect.

Me with my Udon and Mochi for desert, yaaaaas. And drink of course.. watching the Olympics. All in Japanese, but it was CLOSE to being at home haha

The lovely sign my school made for me. Still sitting there.

One of the first drinks I bought in Kochi. I got quite excited by the idea of Rolling Stones beer!! My fellow teachers didn't quite get it. And it was a little awkward filling my basket with cans with them standing there..

And that was my first day in Kochi-Ken, in Kochi-Shi, in my new wee home.

1 comment:

  1. My husband got the same cans, but he thought it read Korea taste instead of clear taste! It was 20% off too.
