SO, as I still do not have the internet in my apartment just yet I have decided to use my time at work to put some posts on this here blog of mine.
And I shall start at the start, waaaay back in July 2012- technically only about 4 and a half weeks ago, just feels much longer- me and the rest of the JET crew headed for Tokyo. We were put on a tiny plane to Paris, that managed to take almost 2 whole hours. It couldn't even hold our hand luggage it was just THAT small.
On reaching Paris, we had a good few hours to wait. So the 17/18 of us Edinburgh departees hung around a lot and had some Japanese beer (which I still never paid Keri back for... SORRY KERI!) Then we were on the plane to Tokyo for 11 hours of fun. I was next to 2 Japanese women who kept falling asleep on me and my tv was broken. Yay.
We eventually made it to TOKYOOOO!!!!
The Dark Knight Rises posters in JAPANESE
At Shibuya, the massive crossing placey
I just like how everything is turned into a cute cartoon character in Japan...
SHIBUYA again =D
The famous crossing itself!
Yes, we went to an English pub. But it was good, and we were happy.
So that was really out first two nights in Tokyo. The first night was a stumble around a bit of Shinjuku for food, then it was out to Shibuya the second night, and it was great =D
By the third day I had become extremely tired of being talked to... All these workshops and lecture things seemed to go on FOREVER. I fear my attention span is merely the problem as it's like that of a 5 year old apparently...
So I used my laptop until it died (my charger had already been sent to Kochi, clever Pam). Then we went to the British Embassy for our welcome reception. It was really good. The food was less impressive to be honest, compared to the meal they'd given us at the hotel the previous night, but they put on a Taiko performance for us in their lovely garden and there was plenty of drink.
After the reception, me and bunch of us decided we wanted to go to the hotel where Lost in Translation was filmed. The Park Hyatt or whatever it was called. It turned out to only be a few blocks from our hotel, HANDY.
It was a fancy joint like, they even had a Jazz band on too! Which was good since we had to pay 2000 yen each just to get in...
There was pretty epic views over Tokyo, and I'm not for using the word EPIC normally...
... there were ridiculously in-depth toilet functions....
.... the bill came up to literally hundreds of pounds between the lot of us....
.... but it was worth every penny. WE SAT WHERE BILL MURRAY SAT. Worth it.
Then it was off to Kochi the next day... The plane ride was quick and painless. We watched Pokemon, and had a mini breakdown of uncontrollable laughter for quite some time.
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