Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Stop it.

Dear Kochi,

I see you have many trees. I see you are pretty much all covered in greenness. BUT would you just please STOP RAINING!!!!! The rivers are full. The trees are fine. QUIT IT. CEASE THY RAIN. STOP PISSING ON THE REGION!!

My hair can not handle this. If you would like me to disturb your citizens with what WILL end up an afro, please continue.

I would love to go for a walk without an umbrella.

I would like not to get wet feet for a while.

I would like to sit on my balcony after work and drink a beer.

I would like to not have to be running around my apartment all day opening and closing windows.

I would like to not be woken up again by the LOUDEST rain ever imaginable.

I would like some peace from the rain.

Thank you, from an ever-soaked Pam.

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